Ambleside – 21 April 2012

Quintessential lake district, a day of four seasons, a shower, a sunshine burst, a gun barrel grey sky, a grey vista where slate roofs and walls abound, Daisy’s cafe being a microcosm of the lakeland society, walking boots and goretex jackets de rigueur, uniform even, the chattering classes sip hearty soup and devour home made carrot cake, plan their next hike, north western accents in the majority for their weekend escape, before they fulfill their unquenshable thirst for more retail therapy, tea pots and terrines, bright coloured walking jackets, light weight, scientifically designed breath easy ones, thank you sir that will be one hundred and….galleries, landscapes, bookshops and mapshops, curios and gifts, but quality abounds, the rabble scrabble at kendal but not here, where gastro and cappucino sit comfortably in the consciousness with not a hint of contempt, the locals immerse themselves with the well heeled out of season visitors, livelihoods are maintained and the world goes round…..

21 April 2012

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